This project is an elderly-themed mixed-use land development. Its site is next to a huge reservoir called the long-life lake which was built in the 1950s. The locals are known for having relatively longer lives than the national average. This project is intended to promote this tradition and use it as a marketing strategy for the development. The senior theme will bring several senior facilities as well as major rehabilitation resort facilities into the region.

Our design team carefully investigated the site conditions and was able to place a different type of development parcels at the appropriate locations of the challenging terrain. Using minimum earthwork, our design created two back-to-back lagoons to form the community activity center, with one large rehab center and five luxury senior centers to encircle one lagoon; and placed a recreation center with a water sports depot for the other lagoon. A continuous commercial and activity street will run the entire length of the two lagoons. These streets will integrate nicely with the senior facilities, to give the facilities a strong social edge. Our design team believes that this social dimension will play a key role in the elderly psychological and physical well-being.

Buildings in Chongqing are known to be hill huggers. The hilly conditions in our site presented not only challenges but also opportunities for good community spaces. We used the naturally formed water ponds in our site and drainage valleys to form community activity centers, neighborhood open parks, and natural hiking paths to give the overall seniors’ town an organic structure. Additional senior-care centers are placed in major community centers and will serve residents at various parcels throughout. Most of these elderly centers are at designed vantage points for the best view and best exposure for easier access and the overall identity of this elderly town project.