Our Success Lies in Our People

Strategic Planning + Innovative Design + Team Service = Successful Project

Our Corporate Culture

We are committed to providing our historically proven value proposition to each client. Our corporate culture is represented with six C’s as follows: we strive to deliver to our clients’ professional services and clear, concise, complete, and correct design documents. We work with the whole design team in a collaborative and creative environment and bring our design and practical construction experience to all our projects.

Meet Some of Our Core Staff

Our People

Even in the information age when artificial intelligence is matching certain capabilities of humans, we still believe in the power of our people. As a global practice, we have a responsibility to act as a good corporate citizen all around the world. We recognize and perform the obligations we have towards our people, investors, customers, suppliers, competitors, and the community as a whole. We believe our reputation, together with the trust and confidence of those with whom we deal, to be one of our most valuable assets. In order to keep this reputation and trust, we demand and maintain the highest ethical standards in carrying out our business activities.

We believe that for an international firm like us, a versatile team is the most important aspect. We have designers from Germany, the UK, Canada, France, Spain, South Africa, the Netherland, Romania, Colombia, India, Pakistan, Australia, Korea, and of course many parts of the USA. We regularly host college interns from around the world, including Nagoya University, University of Kansas, University of Maine, Hong Kong University, Sheffield Architectural School, and Paris Val de Seine. We believe that innovative design is a product of understanding, open-mindedness, bridging boundaries and ideas. A harmonic blending of international cultures is key.