From Process to Product

Architectural Design

Our architectural practice emphasizes a process as well as an end product. Our architectural design portfolio reflects creative, comprehensive, and systematic thinking on building construction. Our design philosophy is based upon project locales, culture and tradition, new technology and innovation, functionality and economics, and the needs of occupants and our clients.

The five phases of architectural design services that we offer:

SAAN provides the five phases of architectural services recommended by the American Institute of Architects (AIA).  These are: 

  1. Schematic Design (SD) 
  2. Design Development (DD) 
  3. Contract Documents (CD) 
  4. Bidding (BID) 
  5. Contract Administration (CA) 

Our team conducts each stage of work with the best professional care to our clients, with utmost sensitivity to the unique problems of each project. We work closely with fellow consultants for the projects, government authorities, material and equipment suppliers, contractors, and future tenants of the facilities. We dig deep during schematics and carefully compare options in design development and construction document stages. We follow through with design intents during construction, ensuring final products stay true to the original concepts. We follow a tried and true sequence of processes when planning, conceptualizing, and implementing designs. 

Examples of Our Architectural Design Projects